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Special Collection: COVID-19 Publications and Presentations

This collection includes research from Fordham University's Center For Ethics Education, the Human Development and Social Justice Lab, and HIV and Drug Abuse Prevention Research Ethics Training Institute faculty and fellows, directed by Celia Fisher, PhD.



Abadie, R., Gelpi-Acosta, C., Aquino-Ruiz, F., & Aponte-Melendez, Y. (2021). COVID-19 risks among people who inject drugs in Puerto Rico. The International journal on drug policy, 93, 102903. Keywords: PWID, vulnerable populations, coronavirus, addiction and substance abuse, people who use drugs (PWUD), racial/ethnic minorities, preexisting conditions, HIV/HCV, syringe exchange programs (SEP), medically assisted treatment (MAT)


Brown, B., Taylor, J. & Fisher, C.B. (2021). Mitigating Isolation of People Aging With HIV During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Public Health Reports. Volume 136, 394 – 396. Keywords: HIV/AIDS, people living with HIV (PLWH), vulnerable populations, coronavirus, loss and anxiety, AIDS Survivor Syndrome, virtual villages, coronavirus


Fisher, C. B., Gray, A., & Sheck, I. (2022). COVID-19 Pediatric Vaccine Hesitancy among Racially Diverse Parents in the United States. Vaccines, 10(1), 31. Keywords: racial diversity, racial/ethnic minorities, pandemic, coronavirus, parental vaccine hesitancy, health science literacy, safety and efficacy messaging, trust/mistrust, community coalitions


Fisher, C. B., Bragard, E., Jaber, R., & Gray, A. (2022). COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy among Parents of Children under Five Years in the United States. Vaccines, 10(8), 1313. COVID-19; vaccine hesitancy; young children; parents; health disparities; social determinants


Fisher, C. B., Tao, X., Liu, T., Giorgi, S., & Curtis, B. L. (2021). COVID-Related Victimization, Racial Bias and Employment and Housing Disruption Increase Mental Health Risk Among U.S. Asian, Black and Latinx Adults. Frontiers in Public Health, 1625. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.772236 Keywords: victimization distress, discrimination, pandemic, coronavirus, racial/ethnic minorities, mental health disparities, social inequities


Fisher, C. B., Tao, X., & Yip, T. (2022). The effects of COVID-19 victimization distress and racial bias on mental health among AIAN, Asian, Black, and Latinx young adults​. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology. Advance online publication. Keywords: COVID-19, pandemic, racial/ethnic minorities, racial discrimination, depression, anxiety, mental health, young adults of color


Gray, A. & Fisher, C. B. (2022). Determinants of COVID-19 vaccine uptake in adolescents 12 – 17 years old: Examining pediatric vaccine hesitancy among racially diverse parents in the United States. Frontiers in Public Health: Children and Health


Hubach, R.D., O'Neil, A.M., Ernst, C., Stowe, M., Hicke, M., Remondino, M., & Giano, Z. (2021). Client perspectives on the accessibility and quality of substance use treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports, Volume 1. Keywords: people who use drugs (PWUD), coronavirus, harm reduction, health messaging, addiction and substance abuse, research ethics

Meunier, É., Sundelson, A. E., Tellone, S., Alohan, D., Fisher, C. B., & Grov, C. (2021). Willingness to Attend Sex Venues in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic in New York City: Results from an Online Survey with Sexual and Gender Minority Individuals. Journal of Urban Health, 98(4), 469–480. Keywords: sexual and gender minority (SGM) individuals, collective sex venues (CSV), sexual behaviors, coronavirus


Owens, C., Gray, S. J., Carter, K., Hoffman, M., Mullen, C., & Hubach, R. D. (2023). Implementation Facilitators and Barriers for Primary Care Providers Prescribing Daily Oral PrEP to Adolescents in the United States. AIDS patient care and STDs37(8), 379–393. Keywords: PrEP; adolescents; barriers; facilitators; implementation strategies; primary care providers


Tao, X., & Fisher, C. B. (2021). Exposure to Social Media Racial Discrimination and Mental Health among Adolescents of Color. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. Keywords: youth of color, racial/ethnic minorities, COVID-19, pandemic, racial justice, civic engagement, depression, addiction and substance abuse


Yip, T., Feng, Y., Fowle, J. & Fisher, C. B. (2021). Sleep disparities during the COVID-19 pandemic An Investigation of AIAN, Asian, Black, Latinx and White young adults. Sleep Health: Journal of the National Sleep Foundation, 7, 459-467. Keywords: racial/ethnic minorities, sleep duration and quality, coronavirus, diverse young adults, victimization, structural inequities



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